Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Reading in the Development of Imagination and Gender

Children are automatically drawn to what they feel relates to them the best. From clothes to games, and even literature, children are attracted to certain elements that separate what’s â€Å"girly† and what’s â€Å"boyish†. Most children literature is designed in a manner that attracts a specific crowd. The authors and illustrators of children literature take into consideration whether they want their book to be intended for girls or for boys. However, in the story Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary, deception as to which crowd the book was intended is shown throughout the story. The books unique style has the ability to capture both young boys and young girls. By containing general phrases and avoiding specific representations of boys and†¦show more content†¦The child will see the name â€Å"Ramona† in the title and automatically think the story is about a young girl around their same age. Children do not commonly research or look int o a book before they read it. The first thing that they often do is examine the books title for answers about the book and search for ways that they can relate to the book. With the title of this book Cleary wants to be sure that she captures the attention of her girl readers. Another interesting approach that Cleary took in regards to the title is the color choice. It is within the color choices that Cleary begins to show how gender is interchangeable in the book. There are several different versions of the cover for this book and in the majority of the titles the illustrator, Alan Tiegreen, works closely with the vision of Cleary and makes the title purple. The color purple is said to be â€Å"the perfect choice for feminine design, and is often used when promoting children products†. (Color Wheel Pro) Clearly knew that the choice in color and the style of the title would indeed capture the attention of girls. Beverly Clearly refuses to make the book Ramona Quimby gender specific because she wants to make sure that all children are able to read end enjoy her book but more importantly learn how the she use the text and the illustrations to introduce children to different literary devices. It is safe to say that ClearyShow MoreRelatedObesity as a Social Issue Through the Advancement of Technology1026 Words   |  5 Pagesindividual. Australia, being a well-developed country, has been subjected to the productive and destructive outcomes of globalisation and development. These processes have shaped individualism, and can be seen to hold responsibility for a number of everyday phenomena. This essay seeks to identify obesity as a social issue through the advancement of technology, gender differences and the socio-economic status of individuals. 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