Sunday, December 22, 2019

Plato s Declaration Of Beauty - 1106 Words

Plato describes beauty in the Phaedo as being â€Å"radiant among other objects† , while the other virtues remain murky in relation to it. Plato’s declaration of beauty’s radiance indicates that it is significant. Beauty is observed most clearly by use of vision, which â€Å"is the sharpest of our bodily senses† . Plato explains that â€Å"beauty alone has this privilege, to be the most clearly visible and the most loved† . Because of the way in which beauty stands out among the other virtues, Plato confirms that beauty is dominant over the other virtues. In the Symposium, Diatoma explains how beauty is the highest good and â€Å"is in harmony with the divine† . Her definition indicates that there is a relationship between material beauty and divine Beauty. Beauty is intended to lead to Love, which Diatoma defines as wanting to possess beautiful things forever . Once a man possesses beautiful things, he achieves love and is happy. A man comes to possess beautiful things through the process of reproduction. In reproduction, lovers attempt to preserve their beauty by transmitting their beauty to offspring. The lovers are successful if they give birth to beauty, â€Å"whether in body or soul† . Reproduction immortalizes the parents’ beauty, since the offspring possess the parents’ beauty after they die. According to Diatoma’s definition of Love, the parents who reproduce beauty achieve Love. In the life of a philosopher, beauty is essential. The goal of philosophy is to achieve aShow MoreRelatedThe Slave By Frederick Douglass972 Words   |  4 PagesConcepts, techniques, and ways of thinking can last much longer than their creators. The philosophy of Plato is an example of that. Its ideas can be found in a speech written thousands of years later. In â€Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?† Frederick Douglass, a former slave, addresses an audience of white abolitionists on July 5th of 1852. 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