Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Movie Analysis Rosewood - 631 Words

Name: Subject: Teacher: Date of Submission: Discussion Question: Rosewood (1997): Movie Analysis Rosewood is a film based on the historic events that transpired in the 1923 Rosewood massacre. The film includes fictional characters and some alterations to the historical accounts. Actor Ving Rhames plays the role of a man who travels to the city and becomes a witness of the horrific events. His character is essential for the film, because he makes the film a movie rather than a documentary. Two more characters included in the story provide different perspectives of the Rosewood massacre. Don Cheadle plays that role of Sylvester, who becomes a witness, and Jon Voight acts as a white storeowner, who lives in a†¦show more content†¦(Gannon, 46) In the historical events of the Rosewood massacre, a woman claimed rape by a black man, yet her story is still not confirmed nor proven. The result was the lynching of a black person, the retaliation from the black community, and the destruction of Rosewood and the death of si x black and two white individuals (D’Orso, 52). The movie illustrates a high level of carnage in the town, and the use of KKK, which is not accurate according to historical facts. It demonstrates the producers attempt to create the element of dramatization, and the emotional effect of the movie. In truth, there is a lot of fabrication of the story; however, the producer applies some elements of the true story that occurred in Rosewood. Based on the movie, the main aim was to provide a movie that is emotionally moving which affects racial affiliation in terms black or white (Gannon, 61). Some of the scenes focus on the emotional reaction, and the depiction of the movie focus on the concept of outside looking in. The three main characters are not from the town, which coincides with a lack of having a witness to narrate the events in Rosewood at the time of the massacre. Using individuals from outside the town provides a new dimension to the story, because their presence in the town allows the audience to get an idea of what occurred, but it is not an accurate illustration of the events (D’Orso, 74). The variations highlight the lack of actual evidence, and the use ofShow MoreRelatedThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team a Leadership Fable46009 Words   |  185 Pagespermitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the Web at www.copyright.com. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Plato s Declaration Of Beauty - 1106 Words

Plato describes beauty in the Phaedo as being â€Å"radiant among other objects† , while the other virtues remain murky in relation to it. Plato’s declaration of beauty’s radiance indicates that it is significant. Beauty is observed most clearly by use of vision, which â€Å"is the sharpest of our bodily senses† . Plato explains that â€Å"beauty alone has this privilege, to be the most clearly visible and the most loved† . Because of the way in which beauty stands out among the other virtues, Plato confirms that beauty is dominant over the other virtues. In the Symposium, Diatoma explains how beauty is the highest good and â€Å"is in harmony with the divine† . Her definition indicates that there is a relationship between material beauty and divine Beauty. Beauty is intended to lead to Love, which Diatoma defines as wanting to possess beautiful things forever . Once a man possesses beautiful things, he achieves love and is happy. A man comes to possess beautiful things through the process of reproduction. In reproduction, lovers attempt to preserve their beauty by transmitting their beauty to offspring. The lovers are successful if they give birth to beauty, â€Å"whether in body or soul† . Reproduction immortalizes the parents’ beauty, since the offspring possess the parents’ beauty after they die. According to Diatoma’s definition of Love, the parents who reproduce beauty achieve Love. In the life of a philosopher, beauty is essential. The goal of philosophy is to achieve aShow MoreRelatedThe Slave By Frederick Douglass972 Words   |  4 PagesConcepts, techniques, and ways of thinking can last much longer than their creators. The philosophy of Plato is an example of that. Its ideas can be found in a speech written thousands of years later. In â€Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?† Frederick Douglass, a former slave, addresses an audience of white abolitionists on July 5th of 1852. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Research on the Impact of Economic Growth Case Study of Malaysia Free Essays

PUBLIC EXPENDITURE POLICIES SHAPE THE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN MALAYSIA Public Expenditure/Public Spending can be defined as any expenses made by government particularly to improve certain areas and discipline. For instance, improving public goods and services, welfare and well-being of the people, government defense forces and civil servants, maintaining our economic stability, reducing inequality of income and reallocation of resources. Bose,Haque,Osborn (2003) where I do believe in their arguments that public expenditure made by the government will surely shape the economic growth of the country. We will write a custom essay sample on Research on the Impact of Economic Growth: Case Study of Malaysia or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can be seen in the policies made by Tun Razak which initiated in 1970 known as NEP or New Economic Policy that have bring the country to be one of developing country that is progressive in their economic activities. Problem statement This research will identified whether the public expenditure introduced by the government really put into action and produce outcome from it to boost our economic growth. It is important to see not only in the economic side directly but also to see at different variables that could contribute to the economic as a whole. Objectives To see the impact from public expenditure policies towards Malaysia economic growth To identify public expenditure variables particularly education that helps in economic growth. Research Methodology This research focusing more on the secondary data which involve past research from other researchers, documents, reports made by government sectors such as Economic Transformation Program (ETP) Annual Report 2011 under Performance and Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), Department of statistic. Government Intervention Government Intervention Conceptual Framework Intervening Variables Public Expenditure Policies Public Expenditure Policies Economic Growth Economic Growth Sectorial Level: Education Sectorial Level: Education Dependent Variables Independent Variables Figure 1 Independent Variables in this research consist of two variables; Public Expenditure Policies whereby the research focusing on the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) under the New Economic Model to determine whether there is a significant effect towards the Economic Growth. While in sectorial level, the research focuses on education sector to identify the contribution towards Malaysia Economic growth. Government intervening in this research explains the independent variable which is Public Expenditure Policies will succeed when the government intervened in the process in order to improve our economic growth. Findings. Impact from Public Expenditure Policies towards Malaysia Economic Growth It is quite difficult to see theoretical framework on how private sector can contribute to economic growth (Diamond,1989) where this research found out that Malaysia have boost their economic growth by tackling the private sector where market failure occurred. ETP is one of the policies made by the government where government intervened in order to improve the private sector as whole where 92% outcome will produce by the private sector according to ETP Annual Report 2011. The government initiatives come into a successful result where it achieve most of the National Key Result Areas which the indicator to ensure the economic condition to be in the right track. According to Department of Statistic, Private Investments amounted to rm94 billion was the highest in five years period (between 2007 and 2011) hich surpassing the target of rm83bil. Our Gross National Income (GNI) exceed the target value of rm797 billion where it achieve rm830 billion or 104% achievement. â€Å"Most of the conclusions drawn recently regarding the growth effects of public spending are based either on the experiences of a set of developed countries or on the basis of large samples consisting of a mixture of developed and developing countries. † Bose,Haque,Osborn (2003). The statement were proved based on the ETP initiated by Government basically the foundation of the National Key Results Areas (NKEA) made from various research on identifying the areas that can be developed in Malaysia by looking at developed countries. In order to make sure everything succeed by boost up our economic growth, Government need to do spending whereby rm1. 4 trillion in investment to generate a GNI of rm1. 7 trillion. Public Expenditure Variables particularly Education that helps in Economic Growth. Education sector can be related to our economic growth by seeing on the setup of education center in Malaysia. In order to boost our economic growth into its target, it is important to determine that Malaysia need to have knowledge worker that have skilled workforce for a big result fast outcome. It will help in terms of productivity and at the same time efficient production can be materialized. Under the Education NKEA, Malaysia aims to be a regional hub in the global education network with the success of the creation of EduCity@Iskandar where eight world-class university and colleges with investment up to rm581. million. Apart from that, there are four discipline cluster have been developed in 2011 according to ETP Annual Report 2011 where Government focus in the areas of Hospitality and Tourism, Islamic Finance and Business, Health Sciences and Advanced Engineering, and Science and Innovation. It is important since the areas had been identified as crucial areas that need local ski lled workforce or knowledge worker that will help us to reduce hiring experts from other countries. Conclusion From the research, both objectives have positively correlation towards shaping the economic growth in Malaysia. This only can be possible by looking at how the government spend and know which one to prioritize so that it can be use efficiently. Malaysia moving forward to be a high income nation by 2020, the research found that by looking at the policies made by the government such as Government Transformation Program ensure that Malaysia is moving forward and already at the right track. Works Cited (PEMANDU), P. a. (2011). Economic Transformation Programme Annual Reprot 2011. Kuala Lumpur: Minister in Prime Minister Department. ASCHAUER, D. A. (1989). IS PUBLIC EXPENDITURE PRODUCTIVE? *. Journal of Monetary Economics 23. Ibrahim, M. H. (2000). PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION . ECONOMIC GROWTH IN MALAYSIA, 1961-1995. Niloy Bose, M. E. (2003). A Disaggregated Analysis for Developing Countries. Public Expenditure and Economic Growth, 2-6. Shnatayanan Devarajan, V. S. -F. (1996). The Composition of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth. Journal of Monetary Economics 37 . How to cite Research on the Impact of Economic Growth: Case Study of Malaysia, Free Case study samples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hilton Hotels

Question: WriteResearch Report on customer Satisfaction at Hilton Hotels. Answer: From the research study, for the question "I enjoy staying in Hotels Hotel?", it is observed that about 3 customers or respondents gives the response as agree while 17 respondents gives the response as the agree. About ten respondents gives the response as neutral or neither agree nor disagree. For the question "My values of good customer service are satisfied with Hilton? it is observed that about four respondents gives the response as strongly disagree while four respondents gives the response as disagree. Also, it is observed as 22 respondents give the response as neutral. For the question "I enjoy the architecture of the Hilton Hotels?", it is observed that about five respondents are disagreeing while 25 respondents are neither disagree nor agree. For the question "I like the design of the lobby, facilities and rooms?", it is observed that about 8 respondents are strongly disagreeing while four respondents are disagreeing. It is observed as 18 customers or respondents are neither disagree nor agree. It is observed that nine customers are disagreeing with the size of the rooms while 21 respondents neither agree nor disagree for the size of the rooms. Introduction: The study of customer satisfaction in the service industry is very important for increasing the business. If the customer services are of high quality, this results in the increment of the number of customers and it has positive impact on the business. There are so many factors which are very important for the service industry. For this research study we want to see the different factors for the customer satisfaction at Hilton Hotel. We have to see the responses for the customers by arranging the short survey by using the questionnaire. Then we have to analyze this data by using the statistical methods and tools. We have to find out the correlation coefficients between the different variables under study. let us see this research study report in detail given as below: Research Question: For any research project, it is important to establish the research questions. By establishing research questions we get the proper guidelines for the research process. For this research study the res earch questions are summarised as below: How the respondents respond to the different factors or variables related to the customer service in the Hamilton Hotel?Is there any correlation exists between the different pairs of variables under study? Data Collection: The data collection is very important process in the research study and it provides the data for the statistical analysis (Hays, 1973). For this research study, we collect the data by selecting the 30 customers randomly at the Hamilton Hotel. Then by using the well prepared questionnaire the responses are collected from the respondents or customers. The likert scale is used for getting response from the respondents. After collecting the responses from respondents, the data is prepared in the tabular format for the further analysis. Research Methodology: For this research study, a data for the thirty customers is collected by using the random sampling method. After the collection of data, data is arranged in the tabular form for the further statistical analysis. Then for each variable or questions in the questionnaire a well organized frequency distributions are prepared by using excel or other software. Then the correlation is calculated for the some pairs of the variables. The use o f the proper research methodology provides the unbiased results for the study (Hays, 1973). The detail statistical analysis is explained in the next topic. Statistical Analysis:In this topic, we have to see the frequency distributions for the different variables included in the data set. Also, we have to see the correlation coefficients between the different variables. The statistical analysis is the key factor for the research process and it gives the verified results by mathematically (Moses, 1986). First of all we have to see the frequency distributions for the different variables given as below: The likert code 1 is used for strongly disagree and 5 is used for strongly agree. From above table, it is observed that about 3 customers or respondents gives the response as agree while 17 respondents gives the response as the agree. About ten respondents gives the response as neutral or neither agree nor disagree. Now, we have to see the frequency distribution for good customer service summarised as below: From the above table it is observed that about four respondents gives the response as strongly disagree while four respondents gives the response as disagree. Also, it is observed as 22 respondents give the response as neutral. Now, we have to see the frequency distribution for the question about the architecture which is given as below: I enjoy the architecture of the Hilton Hotels?It is observed that about five respondents are disagreeing while 25 respondents are neither disagree nor agree. The responses for the design of the lobby, facilities and rooms are summarised in the following table: I like the design of the lobby, facilities and rooms?From the above table it is observed that about 8 respondents are strongly disagreeing while four respondents are disagreeing. It is observed as 18 customers or respondents are neither disagree nor agree. The responses regarding the size of the room is summarised as below: The rooms are appropriate size?From the above ta ble it is observed that nine customers are disagreeing with the size of the rooms while 21 respondents neither agree nor disagree for the size of the rooms. The responses for the gym and pool facilities are summarised as below: The gym and pool facilities are for filling my needs?From the above table it is observed that 8 respondents gives the response as the disagree while 18 respondents gives the response as the neutral. It is also observed that four respondent gives the response as agree. Now, we have to see the responses for the current state of the Hilton hotels which are summarised in the following table: Overall the Hiltons hotels are in a good current state?From the above table, it is observed that four respondent are strongly disagree with the statement while six respondents are disagree with the statement. There are about 20 respondents who are neutral on the statement regarding the current state of the Hilton hotels. The responses collected for the question regarding the extraordinary services at the Hilton hotel employees are summarised as below: The services of the Hilton employees are in general extraordinary?From the table it is observed that about 23 respondents are disagreeing with the statement while seven respondents are neutral about the statement. The greetings of the Hilton employees are prompt?From this table it is observed that most of the correlation coefficients are weak in nature and it is observed that these correlation coefficients are not significant as the p-values are greater than the given level of significance or alpha value 0.05. Conclusions: 1. There is a very big scope for improving the services provided in the Hamilton Hotel as most of the respondent does not replay as best or strongly agree. 2. It is observed that most of the correlation coefficients are weak in nature and it is observed that these correlation coefficients are not significant as the p-values are greater than the given level of significance or alpha value 0.05. 3. For the question "I enjoy staying in Hotels Hotel?", it is observed that about 3 customers or respondents gives the response as agree while 17 respondents gives the response as the agree. About ten respondents gives the response as neutral or neither agree nor disagree. 4. For the question "My values of good customer service are satisfied with Hilton?", it is observed that about four respondents gives the response as strongly disagree while four respondents gives the response as disagree. Also, it is observed as 22 respondents give the response as neutral.5. For the question "I enjoy the arch itecture of the Hilton Hotels?", it is observed that about five respondents are disagreeing while 25 respondents are neither disagree nor agree. 6. For the question "I like the design of the lobby, facilities and rooms?", it is observed that about 8 respondents are strongly disagreeing while four respondents are disagreeing. It is observed as 18 customers or respondents are neither disagree nor agree. 7. It is observed that nine customers are disagreeing with the size of the rooms while 21 respondents neither agree nor disagree for the size of the rooms. References: Moses, Lincoln E. (1986) Think and Explain with Statistics, Addison-WesleyHays, William Lee, (1973) Statistics for the Social Sciences, Holt, Rinehart and WinstonRubin, Donald B.; Little, Roderick J. A., Statistical analysis with missing data, New York: Wiley 2002Mosteller, F., Tukey, J. W. (1977). Data analysis and regression. Boston: Addison-Wesley.Mann, Prem S. (1995). Introductory Statistics (2nd ed.). Wiley.